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Erin @ One Particular Kitchen

To be fair, I didn't either! I just crossed my fingers and winged it. ;)

Leah | So, How's It Taste?

Whoa, how did I not know you can make rolls with pineapple juice and bacon grease? This sounds absolutely fantastic!

tracy saunier

With bourbon? Now that could be a game changer!

tracy saunier

I would LOVE to try these, alas I never have bacon grease. Gah, first not liking sweet tea and now this? They are going to take my Southern credentials away!

Erin @ One Particular Kitchen

You don't like sweet tea?!

Have you tried it with bourbon? ;)

Nancie Lewis

What a great idea! When I first read the description, I wasn't interested (yeah, I'm that weird girl that doesn't like pineapple with my meats - at all - no Hawaiian Pizza, no Tacos al Pastor, no to most Polynesian dishes), but after seeing the picture and reading the recipe, this looks pretty fabulous! We have a BaconFest every summer at our house and these would be the perfect base for a pig-centric sammie! Thanks for the inspiration!

Erin @ One Particular Kitchen

BACONFEST? Um, THAT sounds pretty fabulous!

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